
Tuesday, July 3, 2007

The Day After Tommorrow

Yesterday had gone, A new Day has arrived..

Although Sky Still Dark..

It's a brand new day.

Get myself a cup of coffee.. and start reading mails from the unknown and friends.

After reading news from theStar, start packing up my begs and go for interview...

Coming back from an interview.. stressout..

Take a cold shower to cool my off the streets heat..

Sitting down the lazy couch trying to take a nap..

The hot weather outside is making me sweat all over again >.<

Went in to grab my laptop and off I go to the nearest Starbucks..

Buy myself a cup of iced latte.. and start online..

Chatting with the girl I adore most makes me feel like this world is still contained with love..

After few hours of chatting, Stars start popping out from the dark sky..

Moon start to shine through the night..

Packing up stuffs and head for home..

Having a hot bath.. and tug myself to bed..

It's just another ordinary day.. but it's worth to be jotted down..

Monday, July 2, 2007

Nice Babe

Lenglui From Philipine.

Song of Sunset on the River

A length setting sun spread water in,
A strip of water's spread in the setting sun,
Half river emerald half river red,
Half the river's emerald, half is red,
Love ninth month first three night,
I love the third night of the ninth month,
Dew like pearl moon like bow,
The dew is like pearl; the moon like a bow.