
Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Making Money?

Feels kinda tight lately on financial, and you have a tallent in photography that you tend to play with as a hobby, and you feel like want to show off your pictures but you don't want to let people download it for free, so SELL IT!

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Best Regards,
Nicholas Chua Ching Hin

Thursday, November 20, 2008

SD Gundam BB Senshi Sangokuden

SD GUNDAM - Three Kingdom

  • Gathering of the Heroes Chapter

It was the times of war in the continent of Mirisha, a time where the three kingdoms of Shou, Gou and Giga struggle for power and authority. Before the three countries become established, the rebellion of the Yellow Scarves has allowed Toutaku to seize control over the government, he killed Reitei the emperor of that time and stole the "Gyokuji (玉璽)", then promoted himself to Prime Minister spreading tyranny through the land. But a year after, the anti-Toutaku spirits are on the rise because of the discovery of Reitei's assassination, Enshuu was quick on gathering troops and with Sousou on board the anti-Toutaku alliance is formed. Heroes from all over gather under the anti-Toutaku banner, including Ryuubi's Yuushu Resistance. The anti-Toutaku allied forces fought against the Toutaku Troops at the Korou Fortress which is just outside Rakuyou.

  • Clash of the Heroes Chapter

The anti-Toutaku alliance was disbanded after the defeat of Toutaku, the heroes each return to their homeland, expanding their territory and causing conflicts. With the death of Sonken, his son Sonsaku is aiming to stabilize the situation in Koto. Sousou has clashed with the Hero of Kahoku, Enshou. Ryuubi has travelled far from his homeland Yuushu to Keishuu to seek help from the famous strategist, Koumei...


Ryuubi Gundam (劉備ガンダム?)

The successor of Ryuutei. A young samurai who is from the bloodline of the Ryuutei, who once ruled the whole Mirisha. He is born in Rousou Viliage(楼桑村) of Yuushuu(幽州) in northern Mirisha. He does not accept the evil, for justice he can stand against anyone without any fear, a man of men. His righteous spirit later gathered a number of warriors under his banner. A cheerful youth who is always caring to children. He looks up to his senior Kousonsan.
He met Sousou for the first time during the battle at Korou Fortress (虎牢城). Though they are working together at that time, he had a minor clash with Sousou because of their conflicting ideals.
Having Ryofu covering him from Toutaku's attack and seeing Ryofu collapse before him, Ryuubi fell into a rage and defeated Toutaku with the Tengyokugai "Souryuu". After the battle he was offered a place in Sousou's army but he refused and told Sousou that he decided to continue his travels. With the promise of meeting Sousou, Sonken and Sonshoukou again, the three sworn brothers left on their journey being sent off by the promised three.
In the Comic World version, the one who used the Tengyokugai to defeat Toutaku is Sonken.
  • Weapon: Garyuutou<牙龍刀>(red), Souryuutou<爪龍刀>(blue), Ryuuteiken(龍帝剣)

Kan-u Gundam (關羽ガンダム?)

Hero of the demon beard. Calm and composed, bold and fearless, a man baring both propriety and valour. Also active as a strategy advisor. Even Sousou look to having him as a subordinate.
Under that Oni mask, a tragic past is concealed. Known as "Chousei(長生)" in the past. He lost to Ryofu in the fight to protect his village and as a result his village is burned down and the villagers are killed. His lover Rouran was killed too. After that he puts on the Oni mask and live to seek revenge from Ryofu. That was until he met Ryuubi, who made him rethink his actions. Later he became sworn brothers with Ryuubi and Chouhi.
After the fall of Toutaku, Sousou and his forces attempt to convince Kanu to leave his oath brothers and join with them.
  • Weapon: Oogaryuugetsutou(鬼牙龍月刀)

Chouhi Gundam (張飛ガンダム?)

The unrivalled blade. A careless person who gets into quarrels easily, a man with an amiable, burning spirit. He may talk big at times but there is an emotional side to him too. He is taking care of war orphans.
He was once the man hailed as the "the unrivaled blade", embracing his dream to become the strongest, he went to the capital. While he was gone the village was raided by the Yellow Scarves Troops led by the Chou Brothers in the rebellion of Totaku. Chouhi was devastated on the sight of the burning village and never talked about his dream and his past ever since then. The meeting with Ryuubi and Kan-u brought him back to his former self.
  • Weapon: Raija(雷蛇)

*source from wikipedia

Monday, November 17, 2008

My Zodiac

CANCER - The Protector 
Moody, emotional. May be  shy. Very loving and caring. Pretty/handsome. Excellent partners for life.  
Protective. Inventive and imaginative. Cautious. Touchy-feely kind of  person. Needs love from others. 
Easily hurt, but sympathetic.

Friday, November 14, 2008


My Wish has Come TRUE!!

I've got what I wanted most..

It's YOU!