
Tuesday, February 22, 2011

SD/BB Three Kingdom Sango Kuden Tie Hou 丁奉

Tie Hou丁奉

Short Review for this kit::
Time Completion : 3 Hours because painting in aircond room.. Dry faster smile.gif haha..
Comparison with Bandai Tie Hou: Same..
Quality Wise: 99% similar
Articulation: Hands, Head, Legs are movable but limited.
Brand: Jargon

P/s: I'm using Bandai menu instruction to build this Tie Hou.. It's the same instruction.


Jumbo Scale RX78-2

Jumbo size "bapa Gundam" Rx78-2, hmm.gif should say "Datuk gundam" I guess icon_idea.gif
I love this Jumbo Size Gundam.. perfectly great for the background picture.

MY MG RX78-2 is comparing himself with the Jumbo Size Gundam

A Short Review for this Jumbo Size Gundam

Quality: Rubber + Plastic Base
Articulation: Very Less, Only the Hand and the Head are able to move.
I had the problem with the Right Hand where It's quite Loose. The Legs & Hips are stationary
Accessories: Shields/Rifle are self fixed
Painted Decal: Wording for Gundam become Gundan.. because of the pirated issue..
Branding: Some China Brand
Price: Range from RM200-Rm280 (Sold @ Speedy Video: RM280) Value for Money as Original would easily cost 3 to 4 times of the price stated here.
Reason To Buy: Collectors Item, Good for Display! Extremely good for mimicking the size 1:1 RX78-2 from Japan.


Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Metal Heat Gundam Astrea

Hi Guys,

It's been awhile since I've upload anything new here.. never had own time for blogging for new stuff.. but anyway, I want to do some nice review done on the Astrea NG 1/100 both Normal and Type-F. I've combine both into 1 Astrea, so it somehow become the Metal Heat Kamen Rider.

Scale : 1/100
Grade: NG
Brand: TT Hongli
Quality: Very Good
Attriculation : Good


Tuesday, February 8, 2011



I would like to take this opportunity to Congratulate my fellow friend duelmasterng for he is able to enter int o the GUNDAM GUY PRELIMINARY ROUNDS FINALISTS..



Thursday, February 3, 2011

Gunpla at Chinese New Year 2011..

I've been busying allot of days and nights for all the Chinese New Year Preparation.. including of the Gunpla-ing.. and also visited a few fellow Gunpla-ion in my hometown "The Oil Town".. :-) I've seen the widest collections of kits ever and also built kits.. Furthermore, I had a short interview session with 2 fellow Gunpla-ion on their live collections model kit.

One of them is from a collector to a builder and from a builder to a modeler. The journey for this Gunpla will never vanish and for both Gunpla-ion, at every stage, it's just the beginning. The following one was just a pure collector and slowly moving onwards to builder. The summary for their review history was below.

1) Gunpla Collector-Builder-Modeller
Name: (Do not wish to be displayed)
Age: 28
- Had been start gunpla-ing since young and just purely straight built.
- At teenage age start to feel that Gundam was indeed a challenge and start building it in a correct way plus do some panel lining and add on decal.
- At the working age, sees Gundam as in different view, challenging himself to go to another level buy modifying Gundam plus heavy weathering.
- Current state of mind.. Do everything that is beyond what others can do.. is something to achieve everyday.
- Started other Robot kits than just Gundam.

Advice of the day: "Buying a Gundam, Build a Gundam, Draw panel lining on it, Everyone in suitable age also can do.. What makes the your Gundam from other is base on each creativity. The way how you use your skill to make it different will make it one and only one in this world."

2) Gunpla Collector-Builder
Name: (Do not wish to be displayed)
Age: 26
- Had been start gunpla-ing since 2 years ago.
- Starting his first collection was to collect all the MG's ever had in the production line of Bandai
- After awhile of collecting MG's, started some HG's than decided to collect also the HG's
- After half year of collecting, start building some.. without panel lining, and just scratch built.
- Start collecting on some Perfect Grade which really triggered the budget month.
- Current state of mind.. Trying to hunt for Rare Gundam is like finding a needle in a hay stack!.. It's never easy.. and It's also very costly.

Advice of the day: "Everyone can buy a Gundam but not everyone can get unique Gundam. So as a collectors point of view: collect something that you like and can be unique next time. Value of the Gundam will never depreciate."
