
Wednesday, July 31, 2013

LBX Hunter - Jungle Camouflage Theme

Dear all fans for Gunpla and Plamo,

It's been a while again.. too many task and works.. to be settled by me.. my daily life jobs.. somehow when I sleep one night.. I dream of something and when I woke up in the morning.. the dreams became my idea.. so, I wrote it down on my daily note book.. of the idea that struck me. It's about me being a sniper, running around the high ground taking down enemies like nobody business.. and it's way to cool to put it into words!.. You might be saying that, I might be playing too much games.. but well.. I've not touch no games for ages.. except mobile games.. sad case huh..

Well, as I saw there's a LBX Group build held by Scaled Modelers Lounge, I just like to give it a try.. and thinking back of the IDEA of putting my sniper dream into reality.. I've chosen LBX Hunter as my trial subject .. hehe.. I went on searching for material and high and low for the items that can be used to plug it into my idea. I managed to buy it from Berjaya Time Square on the furry stickers which hit my mind that I will make use of it to create something difference.. so I take up the challenge to try something new and out of the box!.. That's the time when I wrote in my Facebook.. taking another step up and further!.. and trying something out of the box!. and was given high encouragement words to go on!.

These stickers with fur of animal is actually used to stick on pencil case.. and maybe on the girls/woman cosmetic box.. or even vase for high class look.. but this idea struck my head and say.. hey.. why not taking a step out and do something way out of the box and crazy enough to stick it on GUNPLA.. then LBX comes to my mind.. and because of animal skin.. HUNTER is a wolf  so.. let's give it a try..

Below are my WIP..
Filling in and sand out the hole from the stinger missile pack.

A long long process to fill up and using a sand paper to sand it

Add Tamiya Putty to make it all Even!

The Furry Tail of LBX Hunter, many tools are used to cut and trim the furry stickers

All is done using Stickers.. And lots of touch up is done..

Test and Trials of many the furry tail

Using Tamiya Hobby Craft Knife and Tamiya Side Cutter to have find finishing and nub mark-less kit.

Sanding and more Sanding.. before prime and paint.. 

IDEAS put into Reality!

Test Fit On Body and Head..

More Pictures.. on Test Fitting.. 

More Pictures.. on Test Fitting..
More Pictures.. on Test Fitting.. 

More Pictures.. on Test Fitting.. 

More Pictures.. on Test Fitting.. 

More Pictures.. on Test Fitting.. 

More Pictures.. on Test Fitting.. 

More Pictures.. on Test Fitting..

Test Fit for the full Hunter.. Get Ready for some ACTION!

Getting Ready To POW the ROAD!!!

Hunter Standing By!
Getting Ready to Shoot
Back View of the Hunter
Sniper Rifle.. still have much to add on :p
Side look of how this furry hunter looks

Sniper Rifle with Camouflage leaf like material wrap on it..

Well, here's my finished product.. of caused.. I will try to put it in my hilly forest diorama to do some nice shooting pose!.. But this will only be done when I've my free time.
