
Monday, July 28, 2014

A long gone build - Memories of the Dessert Hero, SandRock

I had actually forgotten if I had updated this build into my blog or not.. but well, I will want to share my build which I had done for my Gunplamo, 3rd Party Group Build event here. Below is the link to my full WIP album, which I had linked to my Facebook album. Don't worry if you doesn't have Facebook account, as you still can view it, but if you can't please leave some comment here in this post to let me know you can't view the page, I would need to fix it.

Gunplamo: Open Category with Diorama

Anyway, enjoy the album.. and do leave some comment and critics if you like.


Gundam Mid Year Challenge 2014 BANDAI event cum LITT TAK Sales

Hi all,

Well, well, well... It's been a few months away after the Gundam Mid Year Challenge 2014 and also Litt Tak Sales which were held in Sg Wang Plaza. During that time, I was pretty stuck with my daily jobs so hasn't have any time to write my blog..

As till today, a Public Holiday in Malaysia (28 July 2014) a celebration for Muslim's New Year, "Hari Raya Aidilfitri" Now only have sometimes of my own to update my blog..

First of all, wishing all Muslims friends, Gunpla fans, "Selamat Hari Raya, Maaf Zahir dan Batin" and the others whom are not celebrating, happy holidays and don't party too hard.. else how to build Gunpla? hehe..

This Picture is taken from Google Images, and not done by me.

So the coverage pictures for this event are as per this link, Gundam Mid Year Challenge 2014, Sorry for not able to publish all the pictures here because the original pictures I had deleted it due to my phone having some issues.. But somehow.. I managed to upload all to my Facebook before the my phone corrupted.

I hope all enjoy this holiday seasons and also continue to support me by following my blog, clicking in to see any updates for the latest events and sales which happens in Malaysia :-) A few new features had been added to my blog, it's Advertisement and also Donations via paypal/credit card/debit card.. 
Feel free to donate or click my ads to support my volunteer works to do coverage on the event, basically it's for my petrol and parking's ticket.. Thank you very much. Arigato Goseimas.
