
Sunday, November 15, 2015

Malaysia Gunpla EXPO and Gunpla Builder World Cup 2015

Image is download from

Dear all,

It's Gunpla Builder World Cup and Gunpla Expo again in Malaysia here. The location vanue of this year GBWC EXPO is at  Ikano Power Center which started on the 10 November 2015 till 15 November 2015.
Image is download from
This year my blog for this event come out late due to year end work load is heavy... "Great Scott,the end of 2015 is just around the corner.." (acting like Dr Emmett Brown from Back to the Future movies)

I've also submitted my own entry for this year competition.. but luck is not on my side, therefore didn't win anything except for some door gift by Bandai. Still feeling great about it though.

My own participation for this year GBWC 2015 :)

Helping my friend to Submit his entry for this year GBWC 2015 :)

Image is download from
So without further ado, I present all this year results..


Follows by the expos merchandise that are sold here in Malaysia Gunpla Expo are as below:-

The overall atmosphere and experiences with the first day jam pack the whole Expo vibe are as below:- 

Promotion everywhere~.. Cashier is so busy till no time to say Cheese :D

This year stage is for 35th Year Gunpla Anniversary tribute!

It's needed to spend RM 300 above to entitle to win this limited edition build strike Gunpla gold plated version. The conditions are to throw a 3 and follow by a 5.. and I got a 4.. What a Bummer! :(

Gunpla Girls to accompany the event for GBWC and Expo 2015!

This year stage is awesome!

More stage coverage!
This year's entry that really inspire me back to build gunpla was the entry below from Phoon.. It really amazed me.. it's really an awesome build.. and I really like nightmare stories~ 

Well, hope that you enjoy reading my blog and follow me till next year Mid Year challenge~ Lets meet up again in FY 16. 

Ascentic (bzai)

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Gunpla Mid Year Challenge 2015

Date: 29 May 2015 to 7 June 2015
Vanue: Main Place Shopping Mall
Time: 10:00 AM to 8:00 PM

Dear all gunpla fans,

Malaysia Mid Year Challenge is back!.. This time, it's held in Main Place Shopping Mall, which is located somewhere in Subang, Selangor. It's actually below Main Place Residency condominium.

The event is at ground floor the moment you enter from the main entrance, you're welcome by the big stage :) with Build Burning Gundam and Sanga 

There'll be more participants entry, but as of now, 13:07 hours, it's still not full with updates :)

As of 18:00 Hours, below are the added new entries :)

May the Goddess of Luck be with all Participants.. 
