
Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Gunpla Build World Championship(GBWC) Battle 2016

Hi all,

GBWC 2016 is now happening live at Da Men Mall USJ.. I was also 1 of the participant was actually amazed on all the entries.. and also was very shocked to see JS Hobby owner.. there helping out to take awesome pictures for all the participant..

Kudos to JS Hobby.. coming all the way from Johor to Kuala Lumpur/Selangor to help out on the GBWC 2016 event.. I seriously think that Litt Tak Sdn Bhd should really award them something or at least acknowledge their afford.. it's allot of hard work guys..

Well, for my blog's pictures/photos or event comment is based on my own judgement and own free will.. using my personal owned Smartphone Sony Z3 under Manual mode, with lighting adjustment. If there's a need to use my pictures/photos.. feel free to use it but do reference it to my blog and also drop me an email/whats app/call to inform me that you have used my pictures/photos/comments.

Without further ado, I will share out pictures/photos taken during the visit at this yearly meaningful event. For the Gunplas lover/Fanboys/Fangirls and of cause.. collectors.. it's a time to hangout relax and school holidays are also around the corner.. do pack up your kids to bring them to the excitement of their life time event at Da Men Mall USJ.

When entering the Mall from car park, this is what you will see..

Here's the limited Expo products/kits sold at the event.


The event at GBWC 2016 Display.. 


Below here are the entries from this year participant's built.. There're some built that really catch my eyes just by looking at it.. really have the wow factor!. Below are the few of it..

And the work that I think that really lots of time is used to prep and polish and prep and cut.. prim and colors.. do deserved a highlight.. the work's is massively well planned.. scene..

The below here are the rest of the awesome participant's work.. do feast your eyes with it :)


Please Pardon myself being taken into this picture.. but this is really a great kit :)

I noticed someone just now during the entries of GBWC 2016 at Da Men, commented something like, "wow.. look.. the pros come back again.. the newbies all no need win lo..." [While taking Pictures] turning around seeing them kiddos, I just tell them off,

"Bros, no need so despair over comparing skills.. you have to understand how long those pros take to be pros.. and if you guys are just starter.. why want to compare an apple with an orange? Understand that? 
Winning's just a bonus, the main important thing in this Gunpla hobby is creativity and also to enjoy it.."

[in a split silent, they nodded] and I continue taking pictures...

Deep in me my advice is, [Please don't take this small disappointment over your skill as something to stop your growth in gunpla-ing you're still young and much more to learn.. as I'm no pro myself.. and at my age.. I'm still learning.. everyday..]

I shall end this Blog Post for the night.. with my own very noob entry.. BATTLE ENDED!.. :)
