
About Me

Hi there everyone,

"I've always believe that everyone is special"bZai

My Life
It's been very good as I'm working on full time as a Technical Specialist under IBM. Well, it's been a stressful jobs but after the end of the day, the pay was just nice to cover up my hobby. Previously I spend around 1.5 years in Hanoi, Vietnam. I worked there as Bank Consultant. Basically I'm doing allot more on the CR and IR for the banks and of cause including some consultation jobs.

Well, enough of my jobs stuff.. and I'm actually born in West Malaysia, Borneo Island. My hometown was in Miri, Sarawak. It's consider as a small city now. Well, there're allot of tourist attraction places to visit also.. especially the Niah Caves and Mulu Caves, consider world top 10 caves that must be visit, for cave lover..

Currently I've got a life now in Kuala Lumpur staying with my Sister and my Hobbies.. well, if for those who are want to ask me out for some drinking session.. well, just leave a mail to me :-) I don't mind making new friends.. just scared making new enemies.. Cheers~

My Hobby
I've started to know Gundam when I was still in standard 6, as 1 of my friends had a few @ his home, than he did share up some knowledge about building model kits.. During that time I don't have the money and doesn't like to build model kits. As many people who are in older generations and also our Malaysian Government, they think that GUNDAM = TOYS.. Well, I should say, they need a proper knowledge that GUNDAM is just a model kits like those aircraft/tanks/cars.. but GUNDAM is just robots.

As I grew older and wiser in life, I found that spending great amount of time outside alone in Kuala Lumpur here has been a great experience I've got, but would also spends lots of money.. especially on entertainment. We can go drink, clubbing, or maybe even go adults activities.. that's how life is.. for me, if all these money spend on the entertainment.. by the end of the day, it can't be seen unless I do proper record of all single money I use. So, to get back to track for a healthy lifestyle, I had chosen Model Kit Building as my Hobby.

This building of model kits really requires patience and also determination with some add-on skills, some imagination. Why I would say so, because patience is needed when I start to cut everything out base on the numbers and try to fit the small pieces of puzzle into each other to form out the robots arms/legs/torso/head.. and even weapon. and as for determination, I had to be determine that I can finish building this model of mine else it would be keep piling up.. and this is not a good thing. It can reflect my characteristic that I'm not determine in doing something and I gave up easily. As for the imagination, I say this because, when comes to painting, or creating a diorama or even posting the GUNDAM actions post, really require some imaginations to do it, but not to worry if some people who can't imagine, as there are allot of pictures guides in GOOGLE, and they just need to search and maybe copy it from GOOGLE.

My very first model kit was GUNDAM Death Scythe, but I had sold it off after 1 year because I heard BANDAI want to produce an Master Grade Death Scythe and even until now, after I had change it, It's still in a box :-) I also don't know why it's like that.. LOL..

Currently I had accomplish allot of Super Deform GUNDAM, High Grade Universal Century GUNDAM, Non Grade GUNDAM, Master Grade GUNDAM, and also some other model kits such as LBX.

I would say that it was really becoming and interest and a part of my daily life. I would say that by building GUNDAM or any other model kits, it's good for past time and is a relaxation method and at the end of the day, the accomplishment and satisfaction from building of the model kits makes you SMILE :-)

My Dreams
Owning my own model kits business
