
Thursday, December 2, 2010

Day 2 : Littak Warehouse Sales ... 2 December 2010

A friend of mine when there today and with the help of few fellow facebook + forummer!.. There's an update of the price list here.. some are added new some have actual price sold there.. Below was the list!

MG Exia : RM 128 (normal price would be RM 133 to RM 135)
MG V-Dash : RM 192 (normal price would be RM 210 to RM 215)
MG G-Armor : RM 250
MG G-Fighter : RM 150
MG RX78-1 Full Armor : RM 166
MG C1 Zeta Plus : RM 100
MG The-O : RM 396
MG Mine Layer: RM 148
MG Zaku Canon: RM 150
MG RX93 V2: RM 231
MG Strike Noir: RM 148
MG Destiny Normal: RM 150
MG Destiny Clear: RM 180
MG Infinite Justice: RM 166
MG Death Scythe: RM 126
MG RX78 G4: RM93 (cheaper than last bakuc event RM 1)
MG RX78 G5: RM93 (cheaper than last bakuc event RM 1)
MG Victory Gundam Ver Ka: RM 126

NG 00 Raiser: RM 53
NG Exia EXF TransArm: RM 138
NG Arios: RM 86
NG Arios Designer ver: RM100
NG Kyrios: RM 86
NG Gundam Astrea: RM99
NG Gundam Astrea Type F: RM99
NG Cherudim: RM 86
NG Cherudim Designer ver: RM 100
NG Dynames: RM 76
NG Seravee with Seraphim: RM 120
NG Seravee Designer ver: RM 140
NG Virtue with Nedleeh: RM 140

RG Zaku 2: RM 92 (normal price item)

PG MK2: RM 495
PG AileStrike + SkyGraspher: RM 660

(HGUC Sazabi): RM 164 Typo (Error for previous posting .. very sorry guys for the misunderstanding.. the sazabi sold is HGUC for that price.. not for MG price.. MG Sazabi is 260 and it will never drop below that because that guy is 1 big ass dude!.. Thousand Apologies.. )

BB Sango kuden: RM 10 each

Evangelion 00: RM 50
Omegamon: RM 147 (normal price item)

Well.. as a note of precaution.. Price will change time from time.. because these price is not taken down by me, Cheers guys n girls..

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