
Thursday, June 30, 2011

MSA-0011 (EXT) EX-S GUNDOOM - Arrived n Selling!

Hi Fellow Gunpla,

I had finally get the stock from my supplier for the MSA-0011 (EXT) EX-S Gundoom .As for the Market price range, is RM 80, but for those who Pre-ordered from me will get special price of RM 70 only. So, It's gunpla time!..

For any of the Confirmation Pre-Booking Update, I will post in this page, so please bookmark this page for major updates. Thanks.

5 July 2011
Flash News Updates: The shipment for the EXS Gundoom will be arriving our shore at around 2 weeks time.. Don't miss the chance to grab this Cool Kit!.. and stay tune to get know of the latest Price and Pictures :D

9 July 2011
Flash News Updates: The shipment for the EXS Gundoom is now on it's way... it will arrive in my house on 3rd week of this month :) Gunpla-ion Start Your Engine!

13 July 2011
Flash News Updates: As known from my Supplier, and this is the first batch of EXS Gundoom SD, there will be suprise free first batch gift.. Pre-order you EXS today :-) Stock will be arriving earliest by next week and latest by end of this month... and for your information. Pre-Order booking will be close by end of this week..

Hurry Up before it's too late. Cheers..

25 July 2011
Flash News Updates: Expecting Stock will be arriving this week. ~ any new good news will contact everyone in Pre-Booking List as priority. Cheers.

19 August 2011
Sorry all for the long wait.. the shipment just arrived 1 week ago.. and the clearance from Malaysian Custom a little slow. Because of this.. I will give promotional price for those who keep supporting me from Day1 till now.. and also for those who did advance pre-booking will get special price.

Gundoom EXS SD - Market Price: RM 80.00
- Pre-ordered: RM 70.00

CONFIRM Pre-Booking List
1) Nicholas Ng - 2 Units (Done COD)
2) Jimmy - 1 Unit (COD at Week of 21-27 August)
3) Wee Siong - 1 Unit (Done COD)
4) Nicholas Gow - 1 Unit(Confirm, Awaiting payment + COD)
5) Dexter Goh - 1 Unit (Awaiting for payment)
6) Garry Pang - 1 Unit (Done COD)
7) Imran (rave4 in LYN) - 1 Unit (Awaiting for confirmation)
8) John (g933299 in LYN) - 1 Unit (Awaiting for confirmation)
9) frususx (LYN) - 1 Unit (Last Minute Cancel)
10) Rasidah Rayan (LYN) - 1 Unit (Awaiting for confirmation)
11) Andrew Law (LYN+FB) - 1 Unit (Awaiting for confirmation)
12) Chriswoo (LYN) - 1 Unit (Confirm, Awaiting payment)
13) Nazrul90 (LYN) - 1 Unit (Last Minute Cancel)
14) xDoll (LYN) - 2 Units (Awaiting for confirmation)
15) 2015315 (LYN) - 1 Unit (Confirm, Awaiting payment)
16) frouk3 (LYN) - 1 Unit (Confirm, Awaiting payment, COD)
17) bZai - 1 Unit (Done building)
18) blink_w (LYN) - 2 Units (Awaiting for confirmation)
19) Bibichris (LYN) - 1 Unit (Last Minute Cancel)
20) Max(Email) - 1 Unit (Awaiting for confirmation)



  1. Yep :) Me too... It looks Superb detail... Wondering how was the response :D

  2. Haha, so SK, want to pre-order yourself 1 EXS?

  3. No la dude, not keen in SD much :P
    Lowyat also got ppl post and pre-order this.
    You should post there too, more customer u can get.
    by the way, is ascentic are ur nick in lowyat?

  4. Hi SK, yep.. u guess correct!
