
Friday, March 22, 2013

GunplaMo - First ever 3rd Party Group Build 2013

GunPlaMo Group Build
Hello Gunpla Fans, Ladies and Gentlemen,

It's been quite a long while since I last blog.. So so... soo.... sorry about that.. :-) Glad to see that I've allot more followers on my blog now. Thank you all. Hopefully by this year, it will be more eventful.. and more things to write in this blog of mine..

Well, as you can see why there's the logo GunPlaMo.. Group build on the header? haha.. it's because I was busying with this group build.. it's a 3rd party group build and for the first time.. it's actually started up by me.. I've organized this event and also asked for sponsorship.. for the event prize.. from our local Malaysian sellers.. in

This group build is divided into 3 categories, we had straight build categories, painted build categories and also dioramas categories.. well, it's seems just a little.. categories only.. but it's a real challenge to complete everything in at least 1 to 2 months time.

I've always wanted everyone to participate in this group build is not because of the prize .. it's to make gunpla more and more interesting.. where we can actually have fun time building it together and shares joyful moment together.. although it's not done in a group where everyone meet up at a location... this whole group build is base on online, where people around the world can actually join it..

This is the first time I've started this group build event.. I do hope that it's going to have 2nd and 3rd time.. this year time.. as We had the original Bandai from Japan competition... now, we just have a small group build fun to do it for ourselves and our China Gunpla 3rd party Group build fun!..

I've posted this event is to share the fun and what I've been busying lately.. so stay tune with me, where on 1st of April 2013, it will be the deadline of this group event, and I will post out the entries of each and everyone who participated it here to show their works!.. and of cause the winner of this 1st round Group builds will be shown here as well..

Thank you for following me in my blogs and as a token of appreciation, do email me your address, and name, and also stating what's your nickname that follows my blog, to my email, and I will post out to you, a small gifts.


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